200 NE 20th Avenue, Suite 100
Portland, Oregon 97232
First floor, left side of the Lorlin Building
Directions Help: If you are traveling from...
South East Portland
From 82nd and Burnside
Head West down Burnside to 21st.
Turn Right off Burnside on to 21st heading North.
We are in the Lorlin Bld. on the right side of the street.
North East Portland
From Martin Luther king Jr. Blvd.
East on MLK to Burnside
Turn right or left off MLK
Travel up Burnside turn left on to 21st
The Lorlin building will be on your right two blocks down.
If you get to Sandy you've gone too far.
Down Town Portland
From Burnside
Head east on Burnside over the Burnside brodge.
Up Burnside to 21st Left on 21st
The Lorlin building will be on your right two blocks down.
If you get to Sandy you've gone to0 far.
North Portland
From Lombard to
Martin Luther king Jr. Blvd.
East on MLK to Burnside
Turn right or left off MLK
Travel up Burnside turn left on to 21st
The Lorlin building will be on your right two blocks down.
If you get to Sandy you've gone too far